Our Code of Professional Conduct
The purpose of this Code of Professional Conduct is to identify those professional obligations that serve to protect you, our client, the public in general, and our profession.
Responsibilities to the Public
Cube Management Consulting Ltd. shall be aware of and comply with all applicable legislation and laws at all times.
Cube Management Consulting Ltd. shall not make public statements on behalf of an Institute or its members unless authorized in writing to do so.
In addition to being responsible for their own advice and actions, Cube Management Consulting Ltd. shall ensure that any and all consultants, who work under their leadership on consulting assignments, understand and comply with this Code of Conduct.
Responsibilities to our Client
Subject to compliance with applicable legislation and this Code, Cube Management Consulting Ltd. shall recognize the interests of the client organization overall as paramount in every assignment.
Cube Management Consulting Ltd. shall not accept or conduct work that is in the interest of any individual or group within the client organization if the work would, in any way, be detrimental or not serve the best interests of the overall organization.
Cube Management Consulting Ltd. shall not accept or conduct work that is in the interest of any individual or group external to the client organization if the work would in any way be detrimental or not serve the best interests of the overall organization.
Cube Management Consulting Ltd. shall always provide objective and independent advice. Cube Management Consulting Ltd. will not allow their objectivity and independence to be influenced by any individual or group either within or external to the client organization.
Cube Management Consulting Ltd. shall not guarantee specific quantitative results that are beyond their direct control.
Cube Management Consulting Ltd. shall not present themselves as qualified to conduct an assignment without having both the relevant education and practical experience to do so.
Cube Management Consulting Ltd. shall specify in writing their relevant qualifications and those of any and all other management consultants proposed for the engagement.
Cube Management Consulting Ltd. shall confirm in writing the terms of reference for an assignment.
Written terms of reference shall confirm:
- Assignment objectives.
- Steps, milestones, and deliverables in the proposed work plan.
- Timeline of steps, milestones, deliverables, and completion date.
- Names, relevant qualifications, and role of each consultant proposed.
- Billing arrangements, including how all expenses, disbursements, and applicable taxes will be handled.
Cube Management Consulting Ltd. shall not begin an assignment until the client has accepted the written terms of reference.